Mixed calligraphy


Event organised as part of the Alliance Française 140 Years Festival from 23 to 25 November 2023.

During this workshop, Saena Delacroix-Sadighiyan, co-author of the graphic novel (One Night), will help you discover new alphabets (Arabic-Persian, Hebrew) and reed writing!

After discussing the use of different languages in comics, you will create a final work using letters from different alphabets. 

From age 10.

The event is free but must be booked in advance.

1:15 PM - 2:30 PM
Espace Pyramide
101 boulevard Raspail
75006 Paris
Admission ticket
Voyages en images : Calligraphies métissées : 0.0
On site
Avalaible tickets: 10 ticket(s)
Pour bénéficier du tarif membre, veuillez vous connecter


Event organised as part of the Alliance Française 140 Years Festival from 23 to 25 November 2023.

During this workshop, Saena Delacroix-Sadighiyan, co-author of the graphic novel (One Night), will help you discover new alphabets (Arabic-Persian, Hebrew) and reed writing!

After discussing the use of different languages in comics, you will create a final work using letters from different alphabets. 

From age 10.

The event is free but must be booked in advance.

For any questions about the event

Contact  the Cultural, Library and Student Life Department