Exhibition : Kaléidoscope - Casa de Velázquez


Activity reserved for students and alumni of the Alliance française de Paris.

The Kaléidoscope exhibition showcases works from the artists of the Casa de Velázquez in Madrid. Through their creations, the artists express the complexity of a world evolving constantly. 
After the visit, we will head to the Monnaie de Paris for a friendly coffee break !

Registration opens on Tuesday, February 4. 

3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Instructions :
Le lieu vous sera communiqué par e-mail après inscription
Admission ticket
Visite : Académie des Beaux Arts - Galerie de l'Institut de France : 0.0
On site
Avalaible tickets: 0 ticket(s)
Pour bénéficier du tarif membre, veuillez vous connecter


Activity reserved for students and alumni of the Alliance française de Paris.

The Kaléidoscope exhibition showcases works from the artists of the Casa de Velázquez in Madrid. Through their creations, the artists express the complexity of a world evolving constantly. 
After the visit, we will head to the Monnaie de Paris for a friendly coffee break !

Registration opens on Tuesday, February 4. 

For any questions about the event

Contact  the Cultural, Library and Student Life Department