Hybrid French evening courses in a virtual classroom for beginners

  • 24 h
  • 4 weeks        
  • 6 h/week
Training and certification catalog
  • Online course with a Teacher
  • Cours hybride
  • Cours du soir
  • Beginners
  • Level: A1 à A1

Monday AND Wednesday from 7pm to 9pm + 2h of personal work


This course is made for complete beginners who have never been in contact with the French language

This course requires literacy. Please note that this is a French language course. It is not a literacy course.

For advanced levels, 

Click here

If you would like your company or organization to fund this course, please contact us.

Click here

In anticipation of public national holidays in France, the Alliance française de Paris team has prepared a customized schedule to ensure that all your course hours are completed: 

April: Monday 21st has been moved to Friday 25th.
May: Thursday 1st and 8th have been moved to the preceding Wednesday. 
June: Monday 9th has been moved to Friday 13th. 
July: Monday 14th has been moved to Friday 16th.

En juillet : le cours du lundi 14 est déplacé au vendredi 16.


Do you have a busy schedule? Do you want to learn French with a qualified teacher rather than just an appl? Join our online evening French course to improve your written and oral language skills.

With our hybrid courses of 6 hours per week (2 x 2 hours of virtual class and 2 hours of independent study on our Apolearn teaching platform), you will progress as well as you would in a classroom setting, thanks to our teachers' proven teaching techniques.

Each month, you can join our general class with students of the same level.


  • Act and perform daily tasks in a Franch-speaking context.

  • Communicate easily.

  • Understand French speakers.

  • Understand video, written or oral documents.

  • Acquire or reinforce linguistic knoxledge (grammar, lexicon and phonetics).

  • Open up to French and Francophone culture.

  • Gain in fluency and confidence.


Each week: 3 lessons, 1 of which is self-study.

- 2 x 2-hour virtual classroom sessions with a teacher

You will work on oral/written comprehension and discover the functioning of the language from a variety of documents (videos, written and audio) and in context (in many everyday situations). You will carry out a variety of activities and constantly exchange with other learners and the teacher.

Grammar, lexicon and pronunciation are covered in an active way.

Oral expression activities are offered so that you can put into practice what you have learned in the sessions.

-  1 independent 2-hour session on our "Apolearn" e-learning platform.

This session is a real class session; it is not homework. Not doing this session is equivalent to being absent from a session with the teacher.

You will work on oral/written comprehension and discover the functioning of the language from various documents (videos, written and audio) and in context (in many everyday situations).

You carry out a variety of activities.

Grammar, lexicon and pronunciation are covered in an active way.

Oral and written expression activites are proposed so that you can put into practice what you have learned during the sessions.

Advantages of hybrid courses

  • Acquire the higher level more quickly and thus not lose motivation

  • Study a little every day to make progress: the independent session allows you to study a little every day.

  • Continue to study after the end of the course: Self-study sessions are still available 30 days after the end of the course.

How to register?

  • You choose the evening course on the date that suits you.

Target audience

This course is designed for people who want to learn French with a progressive and efficient distance learning.


To register to this online courses at the Alliance Française de Paris, you must be at least 18 years old. 

Online learning requires a computer and a stable Internet connection.

You will work with a textbook and a workbook adpted to your level, which you will have to obtain in digital or paper version.

Our strengths

  Individualized Educational Support

Our teachers monitor the progress of each student throughout the session.

This progress is certified with an individual certificate at the end of each course session.

  Access 24h/24 

With our unique collaborative learning platform, you work at your own pace or in pairs anywhere and anytime to submit your assignments, ask any questions, or take the opportunity to interact with students from around the world.

  Exam center

During your learning process, you have the possibility of officially certifying your level of competence in French. You can register for officially recognised tests and diplomas.


Course program


Programa del curso


Programme de formation

Mon 31 Mar - Wed 23 Apr

19:00 - 21:00
Hybrid Evening French Class in A Virtual Classroom for Complete Beginners - A1

  • Level : A1
  • 375.00 €

    As part of the educational continuity, please log in to see more availability.