Exhibition : Zombis au Musée du Quai Branly


Activity reserved for students and alumni of the Alliance française de Paris.

Forget what you know about zombies ! 

This exhibition tells the story of the "undead" figure, from its African origins and voodoo culture to its arrival in our contemporary imagination. 


Registration opens on Tuesday, February 4. 

3:45 PM - 5:45 PM
Instructions :
Le lieu vous sera communiqué par e-mail après inscription
Admission ticket
Exposition : Zombis au Musée du Quai Branly : 0.0
On site
Avalaible tickets: 0 ticket(s)
Pour bénéficier du tarif membre, veuillez vous connecter


Activity reserved for students and alumni of the Alliance française de Paris.

Forget what you know about zombies ! 

This exhibition tells the story of the "undead" figure, from its African origins and voodoo culture to its arrival in our contemporary imagination. 


Registration opens on Tuesday, February 4. 

For any questions about the event

Contact  the Cultural, Library and Student Life Department